At Harewood we pride ourselves on the highest standards and strive for our children to attain to the best of their capabilities.
In our Key Stage 2 SATs in 2023 100% of our children achieved the expected standards in Reading and Maths with all but one child attaining the standard in Writing. This placed us in the top 1% of primary schools for attainment in the country.
In 2024 our combined score for Reading, Writing and Maths in Key Stage 2 was 90% (National 61%). This figure will place us in the top performing schools again for another year.
Our Key Stage 1 and Phonics Screening results are consistently high with our school consistently outperforming other Leeds Schools. We regularly attain a 100% pass rate in Phonics Screening putting us in the top 1% of schools in this area.
The children deserve the credit for the work they have put into their learning whilst at school and, especially for our Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children, the assessment information gained from the assessments is a useful tool to targeting future teaching and learning whilst the children are with us.
In 2024, 90% of our pupils achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths, combined. This is significantly above the national figure of 61%.
The proportions reaching national expectations for each subject, and for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, are also all significantly above national figures:
Another measure used to analyse the assessment data is average scaled scores. ‘Scaled scores’ are the scores given to each pupil based on the test score, where 100 is the expected national standard (80 is the lowest possible, 120 is the highest).
2023 Data for Scaled Scores
Proportions reaching greater depth standard levels (scaled scores of over 110) are also consistently higher than national. 20% of our pupils achieved greater depth in Reading, Writing and Maths, combined in 2023. This is almost three times the national figure of 8%.
The Department for Education measures progress from Key Stage 1 (KS1) to Key Stage 2 (KS2). Expected progress is zero, with anything above that being better than expected and negative numbers showing less than expected progress.
Progress data for 2023
In 2024 progress data was not able to be published due to COVID disruptions for this cohort of pupils
Click on the link below to see a breakdown of our 2023 results and comparisons with previous years. The data for 2020 and 2021 is teacher assessment data with assessments carried out in line with the usual end of Key Stage SATs expectations using past SAT papers and current assessment statements (These were COVID affected years with no national assessments taking place).
For comparisons nationally with other schools the link below takes you to the Department for Education website.
As national data becomes available for the current school year from other sources we will add these comparisons to the site.