
After a gap of 14 years Harewood was re-inspected by OFSTED in September 2022. During this period of time, the standards required by schools to meet each judgement has greatly increased.


We are delighted that Harewood has been graded as a ‘Good School’ across all aspects. It is great to see that the hard work undertaken by all the school community has been recognised under the high benchmark set by the current OFSTED framework. The feedback from the inspection team during the inspection was very complementary of the work that has been happening, the incredible efforts of all the staff in challenging times and the attitudes of the pupils.

The inspection process was incredibly thorough and rigorous. I am delighted that the hard work of the staff, pupils, governors and parents at Harewood has been recognised including comments on the inclusiveness of the school and high standards of behaviour.

‘Leaders have created and inclusive atmosphere where all pupils feel welcome.’

 ‘Pupils are well cared for and nurtured to enable them to meet their full potential’

 ‘From the Early years, it is clear that there are high expectations for behaviour. Pupils treat others with respect’

 ‘Pupils’ achievements are celebrated’ and ‘Older pupils are positive role models for younger ones.’


The high standard of attainment was recognised in the report with our work on ensuring essential skills are taught well, being praised.

‘Pupils’ attitudes to learning are positive. They are enthusiastic in lessons and take a pride in their work.’

‘Pupils benefit from a strong curriculum in reading and maths.’

 ‘Teaching children to read is a real strength of the school. As a result, pupils achieve well.’

 ‘Teachers present subject matter clearly to pupils and use well-chosen resources to support learning.’

Despite our small size, there was recognition of the opportunities available to children in their time at Harewood.

‘There are a wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests. A high proportion of children take up the offer of individual music tuition… Pupils enjoy taking part in the after school clubs.’

 ‘The provision for pupils’ personal development is wide-ranging. Leaders provide pupils with a range of additional experiences and opportunities’

We are very proud of our school and the rounded education on offer. This is not just in English and Maths, but across all subjects and including the provision for SEND, Wellbeing and work in preparing the pupils to be part of the wider society when they leave us. We strive to give our children the opportunity to be themselves, push themselves and be their ‘Best Self’ so that when they leave us they are articulate, rounded individuals who can make the most of what life has to offer.

A full copy of the OFSTED report can be downloaded from the link below or from the OFSTED website.

Harewood C of E VC Primary Report
OFSTED Website