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Click here to download a Class One personal information sheet from Mrs Watts, our Reception Teacher.

EYFS Early Adopters

​​​​​​​At Harewood, we were really pleased to be part of the early adopters scheme for the revised EYFS framework  in 2020-21.

The new framework became statutory in September 2021. Early Years education focuses on seven areas of learning.

The prime areas of learning are…

  • CL – communication and language
  • PD – physical development
  • PSED – personal social and emotional development

The specific areas of learning are…

  • L – literacy
  • M – mathematics
  • EAD – expressive arts and design
  • UW – understanding the world

There are key principles that underpin our practice in the Reception Classes at Harewood.

A Unique Child

We recognise that all children are different. We identify and celebrate their strengths and support their areas for development.

Positive Relationships

Our pupils interact well with each other and with the adults in the school. We encourage parents to be involved with their child’s education.

Learning and Development

Pupils achieve well and make good progress from their starting points. Learning is playful, practical, and purposeful and builds upon prior attainment. Our children enjoy coming to school.

Use the link below to download a copy of our EYFS Curriculum Overview outlining the rational and content for the EYFS curriculum.