Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development

The wellbeing of our whole school community is a priority for us at Harewood. Our School vision statement is: ‘Educating For Life In All Its Fullness’. We believe that we should offer our children the widest range of experiences possible, whilst supporting them with knowledge and skills to become effective future members of society.

We have a comprehensive PSHE curriculum based on the Islington Scheme of work. This is supplemented with Mindmate wellbeing and mental health lessons and specialist visitors. Our RE scheme of work follows the Understanding Christianity lessons with links to other faiths and cultures. Beyond this core offer we aim to help the children at Harewood to develop the children’s knowledge of the world and society, their Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural knowledge.

The link below takes you to our calendar of events to support this aspect of school life.

SMSC Calendar 2024-25 – January Update