At Harewood C of E Primary School we follow the White Rose Maths (WRM) scheme of learning with linked resources such as Classroom Secrets and Target Maths. We use the mastery approach to teach elements in small steps, through fluency tasks and reasoning challenges.
Formative assessment is a critical part of everyday practice in mathematics and feedback and ‘live-marking’ is offered wherever possible so pupils can see if they have grasped the concept within the lesson and so that they know the next steps forward.
We test the children’s progress termly, using PUMA assessment materials as well as using the White Rose unit assessments to assess prior knowledge and understanding after each unit and identify pupils in need of intervention in these areas.
The WRM scheme is supported by a wide range of resources and websites, including, which we subscribe to. We value the importance of mathematical ‘manipulatives’ (e.g. numicon) which are available in all classes and we make use of practical tools where appropriate (i.e. measuring containers, scales, clocks, trundle wheels, scientific data logging equipment etc.).
Differentiation is fluid within each class, dependent on the task at hand and the need of the child. Classes may have the children sat in ability groups or seating plans are considered so pupils needing support are easily accessed by the teacher or support staff. Initial input is whole class and tasks differentiated as necessary. All small steps have both fluency and reasoning resources and short term planning includes challenge and support tasks (or adaptations to the task).
Children’s work is marked regularly (usually the same day) by the teacher, TA, the child or a peer. Throughout the lesson, the teacher and TA (if present) monitor progress, plan opportunities for the pupils to reflect on their progress in the lesson and highlight children for additional support with the aim of same day intervention work if necessary. If the WRM unit assessment scores show a pupil in need of support work then this is planned for these pupils, focusing on the related concepts from previous years to try to close any gaps or previous misconceptions.