SIAMS and Church School Information

Church School Information


(John 10:10)

As a school, we shape all that we do, to allow children to develop a strong sense of their Emotional, Spiritual and Cultural self through our Christian values.
Christian values are the foundation of our school ethos. Values, such as the importance of every individual, hope, honesty, forgiveness, courage and community.

We actively work towards our children being prepared for life as active citizens in the communities and world they live in.


More information about our Ethos, Aims and Values.
Click Here

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools

SIAMS stands for Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools, which is the inspection process for Diocesan Church Schools and focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the church school has on the children and young people who attend it.

Harewood was last inspected in this way in 2019. A full copy of the report can be downloaded at the foot of the page.

Key findings of the report
  • The school’s chosen Christian vision encourages all stakeholders to live out the biblical teaching of the infinite worth of every individual, all known to God, made in his image and therefore of infinite value.
  • Because of this belief, the school ensures all pupils receive caring nurture, an exciting, stimulating education that inspires their progress, and a desire to achieve the best possible educational outcomes.
  • The effective leadership of the headteacher ensures particular emphasis is placed on the provision of tailored support to meet the needs of pupils who need additional care and provision in order to thrive.
  • Senior leaders and governors have recently adopted the carefully-selected Christian vision statement. This refreshed vision is already underpinning areas of significantly strong practice but this is not yet the case across the full breadth of the school’s work, to achieve a grade better than Good.
  • Worship and religious education (RE) support the school community in living out the chosen Christian values. This is particularly evident in the respectful, caring relationships throughout the school, and the pupils’ social action in supporting the needy and caring for God’s created world.

Click here to download the full SIAMS report

Click the link below to the Diocese of Leeds website for more information about education in the diocese.