At various points in our lives we all need support and advice. At Harewood, as part of our duty of care and our Christian mission and ethos we try to support families and individuals whenever we can. In many cases school can offer support and advice regarding the children or can direct where to access help if we cannot offer it ourselves. In other cases we are able to access information and support via our local cluster of schools or from Leeds City Council Education and Families team.
If you feel that we can help, please get in touch with the school office or your class teacher and they will point you in the right direction.
The links below take you to a leaflet produced by Leeds which gives details of some of the services available for families and the Leeds Family Information Services website.
The HENRY Healthy Families Growing Up Programme is an 8-week course delivered by local HENRY facilitators for parents and carers.
Any parent/carer with at least one child aged between 5 and 12 years can join a programme with available spaces.
HENRY is ideal for any family who would like to find out how the whole family can become healthier and happier together. Our programmes explore key themes such as; well-being, whole family lifestyle habits, mealtimes, TV, sleep, food, behaviour, setting boundaries, parenting and physical activity. Programmes are delivered across Leeds and online and there is no cost to attend.
For more information please look at their website or the links to the information below.
There are links and additional information about how school can help families or where families can access support on our SEND and Cluster Support Page.